Fat Dissolving Injections

Have you found that there are areas on your body where the fat just won’t budge?  You may have lost weight, exercised, toned up, but still there are areas that have grabbable fat and wobble that you are not pleased with.  When fat cells increase in size, they don’t often go back down to their former size after weight loss, and you are left with the unwanted appearance of the fat.  Sometimes hormones cause fat cells to increase, other times it‘s pregnancy or past weight gain.  Most people perceive excessive areas of fat to be cosmetically unwanted.

One way of getting rid of these unwanted areas of fat is to inject them with fat dissolving injections. These injections are administered directly into the pockets of unwanted fat and dissolve away the fat, permanently. Getting rid of this fat can make us feel better about ourselves and make us happier in our clothing. I know we might give cute names to our fat – ‘love handles’ and ‘muffin top’, but let’s face it, most of us would be happier if that fat wasn’t there!  Almost every patient I see wishes they were a little slimmer, thinner or weighed less.  Even the slim people often have unwanted pockets of fat.  And the older we get, the more likely you are to encounter this. These injections are sometimes described as ‘liquid lipo’.

The fat dissolving injections are performed using a product called Lipodissolve, which contains the active ingredient, PTC (Phosphatidylcholine).  PTC is naturally occurring in the body though the cosmetic PTC is made from soybeans. PTC breaks down the cell membrane of fat cells which causes them to release their contents into the surrounding area. It is released as a soluble form which is then gradually absorbed and removed by normal liver and kidney function.  This is an inflammatory process and hence the you will get redness and swelling with the procedure. This is a good thing though, as it can contribute to skin tightening too. When the fat cells are broken down, this happens during a process called ‘Lipolysis’ which literally means fat (lipo) cell dissolving (lysis).  It works gradually over a 4-6 week period to destroys fat cells, permanently.

You can think of fat cells as being a little bit like a balloon with water inside.  When you gain weight, the balloon fills up.  But when you lose weight, you only lose a little bit of water from inside the balloon, not all of it, and the balloon always stays a little stretched. The balloon never quite returns back to its pre-inflation state. As does your fat cells. Hence why you get grabbable areas of fat.  These injections destroy the balloon (fat cells) permanently. Though they don’t destroy all the fat cells.  So if you gain weight again, the remaining balloons would fill up. 

Lipolysis treatment has been around for many years across the globe and has been found to be very safe and effective.  It can be performed anywhere on the body where there is stubborn fat.  Classically this will be under the chin (the double chin), the stomach, ‘bra fat’, back fat, thighs (inner and outer), buttocks, knees, ankles and arms. 

Why do people opt for fat dissolving injections?

Often pockets of fat are perceived as being negative for your appearance.  Removing a double chin for instance often makes people feel that they look many years younger.  It can also improve your side profile and sharped your jawline.  As we age and the face starts to sag, one of the biggest complaints I here is about unwanted jowls.  These can be treated too and soften the profile of the lower face, making your feel more aesthetically attractive.  By having body fat injections it can slim areas down and make you feel better in your clothes without unwanted overhanging pockets of fat, such as in the bra-fat area, or the muffin top.  

How many treatments will I need?

It is expected that you will need 3-5 treatments to achieve the effect you want.  Larger areas are likely to need more treatments.  Very small pockets of fat may be resolved with only 1 or 2 treatments.

What are the side effects of fat dissolving injections?

The side effect that freaks most people out is the swelling.  And everyone is different in how they respond.  Some people are natural swellers, some people are not.  The swelling can be quite dramatic though and it can swell up to double the size of the original area.  We that it mind it can be a good idea to start with a slightly lower dose to see how you tolerate it, before going forwards.

After the swelling it will feel sore and bruised. This will be worse initially, then settle gradually. It is also likely to feel lumpy during the inflammatory phase. The take home message for you before you go through with this treatment is that you know that there will be some side effects, and it will feels worse before it gets better.  Don’t be despondent though.  After repeated treatments the area will improve and look slimmer.  

The injections are quite tolerable and have a anaesthetic in them.  If you are worried about a sensitive area being injected then I recommend using numbing cream first.

The side effects are temporary and include:

  • Pain – Usually the first side effect is a pain or aching in the injected area that lasts a few hours.  It’s a bit like the pain when you’ve been stung by a bee.  You can take painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to ease this.   This pain will settle then the area will feel achey or a little bruised for a few days.  It will improve over 3-6 days.  There might still be mild tenderness over the area for a few weeks if touched.
  • Swelling – this is the most shocking side effect for patients.  You will swell after these injections and some people swell a lot, others less so.  The swelling can even be twice the size as the original area injected.  With that in mind, time your injections carefully so that you are not bothered at work or socially by this side effect.  It is worse in the first week, but can take 3-4 weeks to fully settle. 
  • Tenderness – this lasts for a few weeks after the injections, but gradually improves. 
  • Subcutaneous induration – these are areas of hardness under the skin that are tender.  They often happen a couple of weeks after the initial injections.  Usually they resolve over a few days to weeks.  Massaging them can help to break them down faster. 
  • Redness – this is the effect from the inflammatory reaction.  It will be be a little red and warm to the touch. 
  • Bruising – when the fat cells are broken down you will see some mild bruising and discolouration over the skin.  Bruising gets affected by gravity so you might find that there is discolouration in areas not injected.  For instance, if your upper thighs are injected you may see bruising around your lower thighs.
  • Itching – inflammatory reactions are often itchy.  Just apply your favourite soothing moisturiser or aftersun to the area to settle this. 
  • Abdo pains – depending on the dose administered, higher doses can cause a stomach upset and tiredness for a couple of days afterwards. For this reason, slightly lower doses are often given at the start and they are increased depending on tolerance. 
  • Though rare, it is possible when having double chin injections to have difficult swallowing afterwards and have nerve damage from the injections.  Having the injections placed in a away from the nerves reduces the risk of this, thus it is important to ensure your injector is experienced before proceeding. 


How long before I see the results?

It takes around 4 weeks to see the full effects of the injections.  Though remember, it is very likely you will need a course of injections to get your desired effect and as a result it can typically take 3 months before you see the full effect.  So if you have a particular event in mind, for instance a wedding, a work party or a holiday, i recommend you plan in advance.  This also goes for the side effects, so that you are not put out by side effects if you have an event you are planning for. 

A clincal study showed that at least 3 treatments, (4-6 weeks apart) is needed to give the best results.  It is best to anticipate this, and if you are happy with results with less sessions than this, then that is a bonus. 

How long does this treatment last?

The results last a lifetime. 

The results are permanent!  However you do need to not gain weight to enlarge the surrounding fat cells.  If you gain weight, you can repeat this treatment in the future. 

How long does this treatment last?

The results last a lifetime! 

Once the fat cells are gone they don’t grow back, so the results are permanent!  However, if you gain weight then any remaining fat cells can enlarge.  But not to worry, if you gain weight, you can repeat this treatment in the future. 

Are fat dissolving injections safe?

These injections are known to be a very safe and effective procedure.  Although you will get some temporary side effects, there are no long term risk factors. This makes it far safer than surgical options, such as liposuction.

Does it leave saggy skin?

One of the concerns of fat removal is, will I be left with saggy skin?  This certainly is a problem for individuals after large volume weight loss.  However, fat dissolving injections remove small pockets of fat and the inflammatory reaction that you get can also promote a degree of skin tightening.  So saggy skin tends not to be a problem after having this treatment.

Some people though like to combine their injections with skin tightening treatments using machines. 

Can fat dissolving injections be used for weight loss?

Unfortunately not!  These injections are used to target stubborn pockets of unwanted fat in the areas suggested.  It is advisable that you lose weight prior to having these injections, as these work well to target areas of residual fat that cannot be moved with diet and exercise alone. 

There are treatments that doctors can prescribe to help with weight loss, so if this is something you need, please get in touch. In that case it would be better to use these treatments first, then use fat dissolving injections to target any fatty areas that persist after you reach your target weight.

What is the satisfaction rate after treatment?  

More than 80% of people report being happy and satisfied with their results after treatment.  The important thing is to have realistic expectations when entering into the treatment and to follow through with the course of treatment.  You need to attend for follow up injections (every 4 to 6 weeks) and you need to wait 3 months before evaluating the full results. To achieve the best long term results, you should maintain your weight after completing the treatment programme. 

What happens in the consultation?

Before any injections are administered we’ll start off with a consultation and discuss what it is you are hoping for.  You’ll be given a treatment plan of how many injections you should attend for and what your expectations from the treatment can be.  

We’ll discuss your medical history to see if this treatment is suitable for you.  

If you are keen to proceed then you can receive the injections during the consult.

A consent form will be signed, photo’s for record keeping will be taken and you will be seated on a treatment bed. Your skin will be cleaned and prepped, then the areas for injection will be marked out.

Fat dissolving injections are injected with very fine needles directly into the unwanted fat deposits. Although these injections are very tolerable, using numbing cream can make it more pleasant. 

After the injections the skin will once again be cleaned and a little pressure applied over the injection sites. Once the procedure is finished you will be provided with aftercare information.

How many fat dissolving injection sessions are needed?

Generally, you will need three to five sessions spaced out every three to four weeks. If you have very small fat deposits then one or two treatments may be sufficient. You can have multiple areas treated, but there is a limit on the number of fat-dissolving injections that can be administered at one time.

Can I have this treatment at the same time as other treatments?  

Absolutely.  You can have this treatment at the same time as having weight loss treatments prescribed by your doctor, though I recommend you have lost weight first and then be on a weight maintenance programme. 

After you have had this treatment it can be complimented by laser skin tightening or radiofrequency treatments. 

If you have had machine fat reducing treatments (for instance with Trusculpt ID), then it is ideal to wait 6-8 weeks after treatment before having these injections. Some people to wait the full 3 months after treatment to see what their result from this treatment will be first. A combination of treatments often works very well.

What happens if I stop this treatment?

Most people only need one course of this treatment as the results are lifelong and permanent.  You will not regrow the fat cells, though it does not destroy 100% of the fat cells, and the remaining fat cells can enlarge.  If you were to gain weight and find that, for instance, your double chin returns, you can book in for a second course of treatment.  

Can these injections treat Cellulite?

Yes!  Cellulite is caused by the fat cells pushing up against the skin with anchoring, touch cords, pulling downwards, resulting in the classic cellulite dimpling effect.  Weight loss can help reduce cellulite, but not always.  Sometimes hormones and genetics are the culprit for cellulite development.  By using fat dissolving injections to destroy fat cells, you can permanently reduce the fat which can remove the cellulite. 

What alternative products are available?

There are a few different brands of fat dissolving injections available on the Australian market used to treat unwanted fat. All have similar results.  Another option to get rid of unwanted fat is liposuction.  Though of course the downside to this is that it is a surgical procedure.  The upside is that it can be useful if you are wanting multiple, large areas treated in one go.  The other options is to use machines such as Trusculpt ID to kill fat cells. Large areas can be treated and can reduce fat cells by 24%. The positive is that there is no downtime. The downside is that it takes 3 months to see results, and produces more modest results that the injectables.

Sometimes using a combination of the above treatments works best.


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