The Anti-Ageing Injection Timeline

I would love to be a fly on the wall of people’s mirrors in the first few days after they get injections. Immediately afterwards you are looking in the mirror, swearing at those pesky wrinkles that they are about to be toast. You keep doing pulling silly faces, angry frown, the startled forehead raise, a nose wrinkle with creased eyes. But nothing happens.

A few days go by, then suddenly something magical starts to happen… those little lines that make you look older than you feel suddenly start to be less pronounced. You can still smile, you can frown, you can raise your eyebrows, but you look a little bit fresher. You are excited! Finally… your youthful glow is coming back.

A couple more days go by. Now there’s less movement. And here is where we see two camps of people. There’s those who are desperate to see those lines disappear completely and for the movement to go. These people are tingling with excitement waiting for the full effect to kick in. Then there are the others who want the subtle look. They haven’t told their partners or their family. They want to look as natural as possible with a sprinkle of youth dusted over their faces. These people get a little bit nervous at this stage. “What if my continues to not move?” “What if it freezes completely?” “Everyone will know what I’ve been up to and I’m going to look like one of those crazy cosmetic surgery addicts!!!”

But after 10-14 that’s it! There’s no more change. Your face is now nice and smooth. Most of the wrinkles have disappeared completely. Although there is not a great deal of movement. People start to throw a few compliments at you, “You are looking really fresh!”, “You’re looking well”, but no one quite knows why. And when you look in the mirror you see the face you want to see. Not the tired and lined person staring back at you, but the happy and youthful person that you want to see.

Two to three months go by and slowly you start noticing your face is moving again. There’s no lines there at rest, but you can frown more, more lines appear around your eyes when you smile and your forehead is moving more. Some people love this stage. It’s very expressive, but smooth at the same time.

But in a few weeks the lines start to come back as the toxin wears off completely. That’s when it’s time for the top up. This timeline varies from person to person. Some people like to come in every 2 months. Some people come in every 3-4 months. And there are those who only feel the need to come in twice a year. A higher dose will make your treatment last longer, but it also makes you move less. Some people love that, some don’t. Once you start treatment you will get a feel for what works best for you and what you like best.


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